Meet Endless Journey Soap Co

[soap that takes you places]

As a woman-owned local business based in Golden, Co, we make hand crafted natural soap inspired by our travel experiences in over 50 countries.

Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality products that nourish your body while transporting you to our most memorable places & experiences.

What makes us unique?

Endless Journey Soap Co was founded for 3 reasons:

  1. Provide you with the highest quality products
  2. Take you on a journey through words & delightful products
  3. Give back to the environment that gives us so much

For every order, we donate to elephant conservation & Colorado environmental sustainability programs. Plus, each order's carbon emissions are fully offset. Learn more

Hi, I'm Sarah!

I'm so glad you're here!

My goal is to share the amazing experiences the world has to offer, without the expensive plane ticket.

That being said, I highly encourage everyone to travel as much you can (even just to the next town or state!). Find joy in your discomfort and you'll learn more than you ever thought was possible.

I hope my personal stories and high quality soaps inspire you to explore new ideas & new places (in person or virtually!).