Giving back to our environment

It's important to us that our work and your support makes a positive impact on our shared environment.

For every order, we donate to elephant conservation & Colorado environmental sustainability programs.

Plus, each order's carbon emissions are fully offset.

Programs we support

Big Life Foundation

Elephant Conservation

"Protecting over 1.6 million acres of wilderness in the Amboseli-Tsavo-Kilimanjaro ecosystem of East Africa, Big Life partners with local communities to protect nature for the benefit of all"

Learn More

Photo Credit: Big Life Foundation

Why support elephants?

Although many of us cannot witness these majestic animals up close, their conservation is crucial for preserving the biodiversity of our planet.

As keystone species, they help to shape the landscape and maintain biodiversity by creating pathways, clearing vegetation, and dispersing seeds.

In addition to their ecological importance, elephants share many similarities with humans. They are social animals with complex family structures, and they demonstrate empathy, grief, and self-awareness. They also have a high level of intelligence, exhibiting problem-solving skills and the ability to recognize themselves in mirrors.

Protecting elephants not only ensures the preservation of their species but also contributes to the preservation of the natural world and the recognition of the value of all life forms.

Coming soon

Colorado Environmental Sustainability

Coming Soon