Collection: Mackinac Island, Michigan

Traveling to Mackinac Island each summer with my family is one of the highlights of my year! It's such a peaceful, scenic place.

There are no cars or motorized vehicles allowed on the island, so that means biking or walking (or taking a horse-drawn "taxi"). After a long day getting in lots of exercise seeing the beautiful sites, delicious sweets await - hello, ice cream and fudge 🤤

In the summer, the Island is filled with the scent of amazing flowers, from Tulips to Roses. But my personal favorite are the Lilacs. It's a scent I look forward to ALL year! The good news is, now our Bastille Lilac bar means I can have this scent in my home all year round!

One of the historic buildings you have to see is the Mackinac Island Yacht Club (MIYC). The club was founded in 1924 and has hosted many prestigious sailing events, including the annual Chicago to Mackinac Race, which is one of the oldest freshwater distance races in the world. I grew up boating regularly on the Great Lakes, so the MIYC brings me back to my childhood ⚓️

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